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OCR H410 Set Films

Richard Gent | Tuesday February 27, 2018

Categories: OCR A Level, A Level Film, World Cinema, A Level, Films & Case Studies, Hollywood Films, Non-Hollywood Films, Key Concepts

Click to see our Revision Part 1: Knowledge Organisers

The exam reports from the Summer 2018 AS exams identified areas for development which may well be similar for the A Level students taking the exam this summer. I certainly identified with some of the issues as they were very similar to ones I had seen on the student attempts at the Mock exams.

  • A knowledge organiser (KO) sets out the important, useful and powerful knowledge on a topic on a single page.
  • Linked below are Knowledge Organisers for all of the films we have covered in detail through Case Studies, Workbooks and Comparison Studies plus the rest of the films on the specification. 

So each knowledge organiser has sections of the exam report under each of the headings we identified for exam responses. They don't have to use it and if you have other ideas do get in touch with Edusites but I found that this scaffolding offers my students pointers when working with the case study to identify the important information to memorise. 

OCR Specification Films

Films marked 'live!' are complete Edusites case studies

Component 01 Film History 35%

Section A: Film Form in US Cinema | Silent Era to 1990

These examination tasks require that you study three American films with particular reference to responding to questions in the key areas:

  • Film language
  • Film meaning
  • Film context
  • Meaning and response

The task will require you compare three films, one from each Component Group:

  • The Silent Era
  • Hollywood 1930-1960
  • Hollywood 1961-1990

Silent Era



Section B: European Cinema History

Experimental film – European surrealist film

Learners must study a set pair of two experimental films from the European surrealist film movement of the 1920s and 1930s. The set experimental film pair is equivalent in study to one feature length set film.

In addition to the above, learners must also study at least one other set film. This film should be drawn from one of the other European film movements or stylistic developments listed below:

French New Wave | Film Movement - click here

German Cinema | Study of Expressionism - click here

Mexican Cinema - click here

Key films covered in the above resource:

Component 02 Critical Approaches to Film 35%

Learners will further develop knowledge and understanding of key critical approaches to film and of narrative, genre, representations and spectatorship.

Learners must study at least one set film from each of the categories below:

Section A Contemporary British and US Film

Contemporary British*

*Click here for our A Level Film Unit 3 Core: Film Audience and Spectatorship+ lessons on Skyfall, Ex-Machina and some study on British Social Realism looking at The Angel's Share and Fish Tank.

Contemporary US

Section B Documentary

Click here for Analysing a Documentary Film resource


Section C Ideology

Learners will be required to study and compare three set films which tackle challenging issues. The set films for this section have been arranged into three thematic categories:

  • Family and Home
  • Outsiders - the Edusites focus

  • Conflict

Learners must select one thematic category, e.g.Outsiders, and study three set films within that category. Within a chosen theme one set film must be studied from each of the following categories:

  • US Independent
  • English language (non-US)
  • Non-European non-English language

US Independent

Family and Home:



English language (non-US)

Family and Home:



Non-European non-English language

Family and Home:



Component 03/04 Making a Short Film 30%

Learners must study one compilation of short British fiction films. Learners have the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and skills through:

  • the production of a 5 minute short film or a 10 minute screenplay for a short film (incorporating a digitally photographed storyboard)
  • an evaluative analysis of the production in relation to professionally produced set short films.

Guide on Making a Short Film, Production and Evaluative Analysis


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Kind regards, Richard Gent
Edusites Ltd

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