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The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Single Film Summary

jclarke | Sunday September 13, 2015

Categories: OCR A Level, Genres & Case Studies, World Cinema, A Level, Films & Case Studies, Fantasy, Film Analysis, Analysis, Horror, History

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The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari | Film Summary

This film is widely considered to be the film that established the Expressionist style within popular cinema. Its sets were designed and developed in an anti-realistic manner and suggests the characters’ distorted perception of reality. The film’s plot develops around a sinister man, Dr. Caligari, who manipulates a sleepwalker into committing murders. Whilst the environments are recognisable and familiar they are not accurate representations of the proportions that we see in the world around us. The film’s production design visualizes the characters’ views of the world around them. This is a very good example of mise-en-scene (production design, particularly) that has been encoded with meaning. In this sequence from the film you’ll be able to recognise the prominence of the very anti-realistic spaces through which characters move:

As an…

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