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Viewing entries from category: IB Film Resources

Analysing a Documentary Film »

Morag Larsen | Sunday November 25, 2018

Categories: OCR A Level, EDUQAS A Level, Documentary, IB Film Resources, IB, A Level, Film Analysis, Genres & Case Studies, Analysis

Copyright © 2018 Edusites. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for educational use within the subscribing school only. Copying or lending of any part of this document in any form or by any means to external bodies and / or individuals is prohibited. The Context of a Documentary Film Cinema is always evolving and it’s an exciting process to explore and to understand the different genres within it. Increasingly, many documentary films are transcending their original…
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IB Film Theory, History and Textual Analysis »

Richard Gent | Friday January 26, 2018

Categories: Theory, Film Theory, Auteur Theory, Research, Spectatorship Theory, IB Film Resources, IB, IB Film, Silent Era, Queer Theory, World Cinema, Film Industry, Film Research, Key Skills, Genre, Narrative, Audience, Film Language, Representation, Films & Case Studies, Hollywood Films, Non-Hollywood Films, Genres & Case Studies, Analysis, Key Concepts

So what do we need to do for students and teachers to perform brilliantly? Our resources are a guide to producing critically autonomous students who gain a wide range of skills in the study of film and truly make the transition from film fan to film student. Reading film Examine film as an art form, studying a broad range of film texts from a variety of cultural contexts and analysing how film elements combine to create meaning. Contextualising film Explore the evolution of film across time and…
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Making a Short Film »

jclarke | Thursday January 25, 2018

Categories: IB Film Resources, Teacher Blogs, IB, Film Library, A Level, Hot Entries, GCSE Film

With the NEA in mind we have put together a list of things for your students to think about when they approach their filmmaking work for both Eduqas and OCR. There’s a nice opportunity from the very beginning of this work to encourage and support your students in recognising the connection between their own creative work and particular examples from films that they have studied which can inform their creative choices. In turn this will become useful for their reflective analysis and will…
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IB Film Unit 2: 24 Lessons Teacher Plan »

Emily Prentice | Saturday October 22, 2016

Categories: IB Film Resources, IB

Lesson One: Representations 16 Slides Objectives (This is a slide heavy session with many ideas) Knowledge : To review understanding of the film framework Learning : To build ideas and strategies of how to study film Understanding : To link knowledge and learning by completing analysis tasks Starter/Loop Activity (5 Minutes) Slide 3 Task 1A Students respond to the task from the Lesson Resource: Analysis of film Doctor No Poster. Students to write response in books/folders. Prepare the Learning…
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IB Film Unit 3: 25 Lessons Teacher Plan »

Emily Prentice | Wednesday October 19, 2016

Categories: IB Film Resources, IB

All work refers to the Edusites Lesson Resource Slides Pack. The Lessons Lesson 1: Taking it Personally Slides 1-10 Objectives KNOWLEDGE: to develop ideas about how we respond to films and begin to understand what might trigger us to respond as we do and why we don’t all respond the same way to the same film LEARNING: to build ideas of how to films facilitate responses in spectators and audiences APPLICATION: to develop understanding by analysis of a range of film trailers rom different…
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IB Film Unit 1 Section B Lessons 15-24 Teacher Plan »

Emily Prentice | Sunday October 16, 2016

Categories: IB Film Resources, IB

Lesson Fifteen: Narrative 20 Slides Objectives Knowledge : To develop ideas about narrative Learning : To evolve higher level ideas of how to use narrative to study meanings Understanding : To develop understanding by completing analysis of products Starter/Loop Activity (5 Minutes) Slide 3 Task 15A Pupils asked to respond to the task from the Lesson Resource: Analysis of Harry Potter still. Students to write response in books/ folders. Prepare the Learning (5 Minutes) Share the objectives.…
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IB Film Unit 1 Section A Lessons 1-14 Teacher Plan »

Emily Prentice | Sunday October 16, 2016

Categories: Cinematography, IB Film Resources, IB, Film Industry, Key Skills, Mise-en-Scene, Genre, Narrative, Editing, Pre-Production, Planning, Audience, Film Language, Representation, Key Concepts

All work refers to the Edusites Lesson Resource Slides Pack. Lesson One: The Tool Kit 13 Slides Objectives Knowledge : To start acquisition of the Film Studies Film Language tool kit Learning : To build ideas of how to study film through its products Understanding : To consolidate understanding by completing analysis of products Starter/Loop Activity (5 minutes) Slide 3 Task 1A Pupils asked to respond to the task from the Lesson Resource: Analysis of film still of Will Smith. Students to write…
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