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L’Age D’or Short Film Comparative Study

jclarke | Wednesday November 14, 2018

Categories: OCR A Level, European Film, Surrealist, International/Non English Language, Experimental

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Introduction: Surrealism

This resource discusses two short films: Un Chien Andalou and L’Age D'or. Both films were directed by Luis Bunuel and both offer up useful examples of how the art movement Surrealism found expression cinema. For each section, each film will be discussed so that for, example: the section on Film Language will first explore Un Chien Andalou and then the film language of L’Age D'or.

In studying a film that is widely regarded as a ‘classic’, there’s typically find a wealth of discourse to engage with and Un Chien Andalou and L’Age D'or are exemplary in this regard. Like a number of other notable film directors, Bunuel sought to develop a new approach to filmmaking in terms of subject and style.


The cultural discourse (articles, documentary films, documentary radio programmes, books, scholarly essays and studies) around Un Chien Andalou and L’Age D'or is extensive and the film remains a foundational example of Surrealist, avant-garde cinema. …

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