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The Babadook Single Film Study

jclarke | Monday February 11, 2019

Categories: Drama, Horror, A Level, Films & Case Studies, Non-Hollywood Films, Genres & Case Studies

YouTube link to trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htlsOf3PnGY

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Cinema is always evolving and it’s exciting to witness, to explore and to understand. A film such as The Babadook is a horror / fantasy fusion that has, like films such as Pan’s Labyrinth, Get Out and Hereditary, somewhat transcended its original moment of release to become something of a landmark in contemporary horror cinema. In each of these cases, we may say that the horror that the characters are confronted by is indeed monstrous but that is not just a figment of the fantastical but instead that it derives from the return of a repressed, and all too-human sadness and sorrow.

Every film reflects the concerns of its time, the particular way of looking at the world in that culture, that society, that time. To fully understand a film, you need to know something of the era in which it was produced. As you will have already considered in your Edusites Core Units, film is very…

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