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Rob Miller | Tuesday September 23, 2014

Categories: Film Noir, A Level, Hot Entries, Hollywood Films


In this section of the exam you will get a choice of one question from two – an absolute must is that you compare and contrast two films, either from the same genre or that both deal with a specific theme. Genre, narrative and representation are key areas of study - see below examples of past questions:

  1. How far do the American films you have studied convey key themes in similar ways?
  2. How far is the representation of characters in the American films you have studied influenced by the times in which the films were made?
  3. Discuss some of the similarities and differences between the two films you have studied for this topic with particular reference to narrative and genre features.
  4. How far do the two films you have studied for this topic present similar messages and values?

Exemplars for Section C (whole sample exam exemplar) are available on FilmEdu comparing Metropolis and Blade Runner but also All That Heaven Allows (1955) and American Beauty (1999) here. This exemplar explores issues of American social class and the American Dream which is the type of approach Section C needs to take with the word ‘comparative’ implicit in the title. The WJEC specification states: “the films selected should enable sufficient comparison and contrast to be made. One way of ensuring this is to select films made at different historical moments.?

Examples given by the exam board as guidance are useful as they illustrate how a historical genre comparison can be undertaken by, for example comparing…

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