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Film Evaluative Analysis

nicoleponsford | Saturday June 25, 2016

Categories: GCSE, Hot Entries, Production Zone, Audio Production, Print Production, Moving Image Production


Download Link: Evaluative Analysis.doc

The Evaluative Analysis is about their FINAL production. Evaluation needs to explain how they:

  • Used Technical and Creative Skills
  • Used an appropriate format with the appropriate codes and conventions
  • Demonstrated an understanding of:
    • Film Language - how do the mise en scene and technical codes construct meaning?
    • Organisations - what production companies and distributors would typically be involved in the project?
    • Audiences - who is the target audience, how would they respond to the film/project (genre, narrative and representation)?

Evaluation could be constructed into the following formats:

  • A discursive Essay
  • A digital Presentation with slide notes
  • A suitable edited Blog.



It is always easier to provide a checklist of things which should be included. Although those above reflect the skeleton of the evaluation, here is a further breakdown.

All points should include at least one example and as much film specific language as possible.

Decisions and revisions should always be included. It is helpful to show what went wrong and how it was corrected.

It can help to include the following:


  • What did you learn about the information a producer needs to know?
  • Codes and conventions (genre, stars, narrative, similar productions)
  • Did you learn about anything new (log line, codes)
  • What is your log line?
  • What is your narrative (brief)?
  • Why did you choose those characters (relate to genre and audience)
  • Why…

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