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Understanding Storyboarding

jeremy | Tuesday September 12, 2017

Categories: A Level Film, Storyboarding, Production Zone, Moving Image Production, An Introduction to Storyboarding

A Level Storyboarding

Pre-production Item | Storyboard

Example Brief: Create a storyboard (and video trailer) for a TV Crime Drama

The pre-production brief is to create a storyboard. Students should create a storyboard that shows as much detail as possible including camera instructions with details of camera movement, shot duration, content, details of audio tracks and details of transitions between frames.

This guide opens with a screenshot of the first three frames of a storyboard below that accurately follows the codes and conventions of a professional storyboard. The PDF download will allow you to see the full storyboard.


This sequence (see Skating Storyboard below) intentionally draws on the popular US TV series CSI: franchise crime dramas – storyboard is in landscape format.

Skating Storyboard.pdf

We created this storyboard in Excel and then saved it as a PDF. Using Excel means that creating columns and adjusting areas is much easier than in Word.

However, drawing storyboards by hand or filling in a printed template is fine. What’s important is that the images used resemble the shot description and all technical language and other storyboard codes and conventions are followed.


High Angle
Top Shot – Shot taken from above the location looking down
BCU - Big Close Up
CU - Close Up
WS - Wide Shot
LS - Long Shot
MS - Mid(or Medium) Shot
DVE - Digital Video Effects
OOS - Out Of Shot
MS - Mid(or Medium) Shot
DVE - Digital Video Effects

Print pre-production for print typically means making mock-ups of the…

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