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Under The Skin Single Film Study

jclarke | Thursday June 28, 2018

Categories: EDUQAS A Level, Genres & Case Studies, A Level, Films & Case Studies, Non-Hollywood Films, Thriller, Science Fiction, Drama, Film Analysis, Analysis

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Go into a newsagent and scan the film and tv section of the magazine shelves and you should see science fiction healthily represented: SFX magazine, Sci-Fi Now magazine, and a regular stream of ‘one off’ publications that all focus in on the genre. It seems fair to say, then, that science fiction movies (and tv series) are currently enjoying yet another renaissance (there have been others; for example, in the late 1970s and early 1980s) and they are, perhaps more than ever, now embedded in mainstream culture.

By engaging with this genre of movies, it’s useful to observe that there are the films themselves to be watched and considered and there is also the cultural conversation and discourse (in print and online) on radio and podcasts that swirls around them. Science fiction narratives and discussions about them have a long history and it’s within this that we can consider the arresting and potentially unsettling Under The Skin. It’s an intense film that may be especially distinct as a science…

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