A Level Film


IB Film

Film Genre

Film Production

Film Theory

Film Library

Useful Materials

The Hate U Give (2018)

Richard Gent | Monday October 19, 2020

Categories: GCSE Film Studies

Pre-film context research activities

Watch the videos by clicking on the linked text below – these videos will give you contextual knowledge to understand the subjects of racial profiling and race discrimination and the Black Lives Matter movement in America.

The  coming-of-age genre: what should we expect in a coming-of-age film ? Click the linked text, read and make bullet point notes.

Story and cast details

The worksheets

There are a series of worksheets to enable students to meaningfully engage with the film and ultimately prepare them for the exam.

The worksheets have been designed to be used in sequence. The purpose of each of the worksheets is explored below.

Learning Objectives – to develop your knowledge and understanding of the events and characters of the film.

Worksheet 1

Film note making is to record descriptive notes of the film, track the journey of a nominated main character and gather textual evidence of the impact of the micro-elements of film language for use later in the cycle.

Instructions for learners

  • Summarise the key events of each segment of the film in the left-hand column
  • In the right-hand column, track characters of Starr, Hailey and Maverick.

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Kind regards, Richard Gent
Edusites Ltd

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