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Last Minute Questions Eduqas Component 2 - Global Filmmaking Perspectives

Emily Prentice | Monday June 03, 2019

Categories: EDUQAS A Level, A Level Film, A Level

Section A:  Global Film (two-film study)

  • 1(a)     With close reference to the two films you have studied, explore how either cinematography or sound create meaning.
  • 1(b)     With close reference to the two films you have studied, explore how either mise-en-scene or performance create meaning

Section B: Documentary Film

  • 2(a)     How is one filmmaker’s theory of documentary evident in the choices made in the use of editing and sound in the documentary film you have studied.
  • 2(b)     How has digital technology made it easy for documentary films to be produced and distributed?

Section C: Film Movements - Silent Cinema

  • 3(a)     Discuss how far your chosen film or films can be placed within a particular film movement.
  • 3(b)     Discuss how far your chosen film or films relies on mise-en-scene in creating aesthetic effects for spectators.

Section D: Film Movements - Experimental Film (1960-2000)

  • 4(a)  Explore how far your chosen film or films offers evidence of an auteur signature.
  • 4(b)  Explore how far your chosen film or films can be considered the work of an auteur director or is a collaborative work.

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