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Last Minute Mock Exam Questions - OCR H410/02 Critical Approaches to Film

Emily Prentice | Monday June 03, 2019

Categories: A Level, OCR A Level

Section A - Contemporary British and US Film

  • ‘The director is the film’s auteur, the central source of meaning’.  To what extent you agree with this claim in relation to examples from one British film and one US film you have studied.
  • To what extent has digital technology transformed storytelling in films?  Discuss  in relation to examples from one British film and one US film you have studied.

Section B - Documentary

  • How does the social / cultural contexts of film viewing shape how a spectator may respond to a film?  Discuss  in relation to examples from the documentary film you have studied.
  • To what extent does the documentary film you have studied keep to the generic conventions of documentaries? Discuss  in relation to examples from the documentary film you have studied.

Section C - Ideology

Theme: Family and home

  • How are micro-elements of film form selected and combined by the film’s director enable the spectator to respond as the director intended?  Discuss this  in relation to examples from the films you have studied..  You must draw comparisons between the three films you have studied in your answer.
  • To what extent does political context of  the film’s production help shape the film’s narrative arc?  Discuss this  in relation to examples from the films you have studied. You must draw comparisons between the three films you have studied in your answer.

Theme: Outsiders

  • How have micro-elements of film form been used to enable the spectator to develop psychological insight with an outsider character?  Discuss this  in relation to examples from the films you have studied..  You must draw comparisons between the three films you have studied in…

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