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Captain Fantastic Single Film Study

Richard Gent | Wednesday March 24, 2021


YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/DHJuC8U8CHU


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There’s a valuable idea that we repeatedly return to when we study film at A Level and it’s this: what is the relationship between the spectator / audience and the film that they are watching and thinking about? By extension, the question encourages us to ask another one: why does a given film ‘mean’ something and have some relevance to us? 

Like all art and media forms, cinema is always in a state of evolution and this is exciting to witness, to explore and to seek to understand. Some films immediately become fascinating for the ideas that they express.

Film, and an understanding of its traditions, can help offer us stories that examine the complexities of human relationships in terms of our relationships with each other and with the wider world around us. Stories remind us of the nuances and infinite complexities of what motivates our thoughts and actions. These stories can be told in all media and all genres and Captain Fantastic functions as a reminder that a combination of drama and comedy can be meaningful in the way that something more ‘serious’ is so often accepted as being. Humour can be used to express the human condition quite powerfully and accurately. To more fully understand a film, which is what we are required…

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