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Boyhood Single Film Study

Graham Panton | Wednesday November 13, 2019

Categories: EDUQAS A Level, Drama, A Level, Richard Linklater, Film Analysis, Films & Case Studies, Non-Hollywood Films, Genres & Case Studies, Analysis

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/IiDztHS3Wos

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Context of Production

Films are shaped by the contexts in which they are produced. They can therefore be understood in more depth by placing them within two important contextual frames. The first involves considering the broader contexts of a film at the time when it was produced – its social, cultural and political contexts, either current or historical. The second involves a consideration of a film’s institutional context, including the important contextual factors affecting production such as finance and available technology.

In 2002 Richard Linklater decided to embark on his passion project that would go on to become one of the more experimental production journeys in contemporary cinema. Filmed over the course of 12 years, Boyhood charts the journey of a family through the eyes of the young son Mason Jnr and his interactions with the world. Linklater reflects on the creation of his work being a decision based on his own experience as a parent and wanting to express childhood through the eyes of a child.

This 12-year life…

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