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A Level Film

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Eduqas (WJEC) A Level Component 2 Mark Scheme Section B

Darin Caudle | Tuesday November 22, 2016

Categories: A Level, EDUQAS A Level

Section B: Documentary film

Question 2


2.(a) How useful has a particular filmmaker’s theory been in understanding and appreciating your chosen documentary film? (20)


AO1 (20 marks)

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of elements of film

AO2 (20 marks)

Apply knowledge and understanding of elements of film to analyse films.


9-10 marks

  • Excellent demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the chosen documentary film.
  • Excellent knowledge and understanding of theoretical ideas informing documentary filmmaking as expressed through a chosen filmmaker’s theory.  

9-10 marks

  • Excellent application of knowledge and understanding of the cinematic techniques utilized in the chosen documentary and also of the filmmaker’s theory studied
  • Uses excellent points to develop a sophisticated argument exploring how far a specific filmmaker’s theory does or does not enhance understanding and appreciation of chosen documentary film


7-8 marks