Secret Examiner

A Level Film

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Eduqas (WJEC) A Level Component 2 Mark Scheme Section A

Darin Caudle | Monday November 21, 2016

Categories: A Level, EDUQAS A Level

Section A: Global film (two-film study)

Question 1


1.(a) Explore the ways in which mise en scene and cinematography create meaning and generate spectator response in your two chosen films. Refer in detail to specific sequences. (40)


AO1 (20 marks)

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of elements of film

AO2 (20 marks)

Apply knowledge and understanding of elements of film to analyse films.


17–20 marks

  • Excellent demonstration of knowledge and understanding of mise en scene and cinematography, in relation to the chosen films.
  • Excellent identification of potential meanings and spectator responses in the chosen films.

17–20 marks

  • Excellent application of knowledge and understanding of mise en scene and cinematography in the analysis of chosen films.
  • Uses excellent points to develop a sophisticated discussion of how mise en scene and cinematography create meaning and generate spectator response


13–16 marks